
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

A Safer Thanksgiving: Practical Tips for a Trouble-Free Holiday Meal
The National Fire Protection Association stated Thanksgiving Day as the leading day of home fire reports, having 3-4 times more fires than any other day of the year. As we enter the holiday season, it's crucial to practice safety measures in the kitchen and safeguard your home, family, and assets with expert advice tailored for a worry-free holiday feast.
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2024 FSA Limit Increase + Other Indexed Benefit Figures
Annually, the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration release cost-of-living adjustments that apply to dollar limitations set forth in certain IRS Code Sections. Read more to view the figures for 2024.
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Protecting Your Business Against Frozen Pipes and Sprinkler Systems
During the winter season, businesses face a unique set of property challenges, including the risk of frozen pipes and sprinkler systems. These issues can result in costly damage, disruption of operations and potential safety hazards. It is essential to understand which pipes and systems are most vulnerable to freezing, the impact of cold weather on pipes and sprinkler systems, and how to take preventive measures to protect your business’s operations.
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Decrease Injury Risk or Fatality, Develop Your JSA Program
OSHA fined a New Jersey General Contractor $180,000 due to their safety negligence for not recognizing the hazards working near power lines. They allowed workers employed by subcontractors to work 5-7 feet from live power lines using scaffolds.
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Secondary Perils Cause Significant Impact on Commercial Property Insurance
Secondary perils, such as severe convective storms, floods, wildfires and hailstorms, have significantly impacted the commercial property market. In fact, according to industry data, secondary perils have consistently accounted for over 50% of insured natural disaster losses in recent years. This article provides more information on secondary perils, including their impact on the property insurance market. It also offers tips on how businesses can mitigate associated risks.
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OSHA Announces Top 10 Violations for 2023
OSHA recently revealed its top 10 most frequently cited standards in the 2023 fiscal year using preliminary data. This information is valuable for businesses of all kinds, as it helps them identify common exposures that affect their workforce and gives them the information they need to plan their compliance programs.
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Employer-sponsored Health Insurance Premiums Rose to Nearly $24,000 for Family Coverage in 2023
The Kaiser Family Foundation’s (KFF’s) 2023 Employer Health Benefits Survey revealed that workers and employers alike are paying more for job-based health insurance this year.
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DEI Efforts Lagging for “BIPOC” and Hispanic Employees, According to Report
A 2023 diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) survey by media company Arizent found that although 75% of respondents believe their organization has a genuine commitment to inclusion, people of various cultural backgrounds (or “BIPOC”) or Hispanic men and women still report higher levels of isolation than their white counterparts.
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Top 10 Ways to Control Your EMR
Your experience modification factor, or mod, is an important component used in calculating your workers’ compensation premium. If you can control your mod, you can lower your price — so we’ve gathered top tips to help you impact your bottom line.
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Business Risk Liabilities for Snow & Ice
Each business is unique and faces different winter weather challenges; however, maintaining safe premises for workers, clients and other third parties is essential for all organizations. While snow and ice dangers vary from year to year, there are several reasons why businesses need to remove snow and ice from their property, including:
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