
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

OSHA’s Final Rule to Improve Injury and Illness Tracking Starts Jan. 1, 2024
OSHA requires certain employers to electronically submit workplace injury and illness information to the agency through its Injury Tracking Application (ITA) every year. On July 17, 2023, OSHA announced a final rule that requires certain employers in designated high-hazard industries to electronically submit additional injury and illness information. This additional information can be gathered from records that employers are already required to keep.
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Safety Considerations for Bulk Storage of Road Salt, Brine and Dirt
Public works agencies often store bulk resources such as road salt, brine and dirt. Doing so can allow these organizations to save money, ensure timely completion of essential tasks (e.g., clearing roads and walking surfaces in the winter and performing critical construction and landscaping projects) for their communities, and limit the likelihood of having to order last-minute shipments and face possible delays.
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Cyber Risk & Liabilities: Tailgating & Piggybacking Explained
This article provides more information about tailgating and piggybacking, their potential impacts and tips on how businesses can prevent these security breaches.
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Playing it Safe: Manufacturing
Hand, wrist and finger injuries are among the most common ailments suffered by workers, and they can be both extremely painful and debilitating. An occupational injury not only causes initial pain – it can also require weeks or months of rehabilitation.
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U.S. Hit by Record Number of Billion-dollar Disasters in 2023
In 2023, the United States experienced 25 weather and climate disasters with damages exceeding $1 billion—the largest number on record in more than 40 years—according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA).
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Deadline for Submitting Gag Clause Attestation Is Approaching
Group health plans and health insurance issuers are required to annually attest they are complying with the federal prohibition on gag clauses. The first gag clause attestation is due by Dec. 31, 2023, covering the period beginning Dec. 27, 2020, through the date of attestation. Subsequent attestations, covering the period since the last attestation, are due by Dec. 31 of each following year.
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The Importance of Business Interruption Insurance: Safeguarding Against Unexpected Disruptions
Small businesses regularly face several risks that could necessitate a temporary shutdown or reduction of operations, both of which can have devastating effects on a business. One way businesses can protect themselves from the financial impacts of these occurrences is by securing business interruption insurance. This type of coverage can offer valuable assistance following a covered event. This article provides more information about business interruption insurance, including what it is and how small businesses can obtain it.
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8 ways to Reduce Your Utility Bill This Winter
When outside temperatures begin to drop, one of the costliest consequences is the increased energy it takes to maintain a comfortable home temperature. Though it may be tempting to simply lower the temperature on a thermostat, there are several ways to lower your utility bill while staying warm and cozy. With this in mind, consider these tips to reduce your monthly utility bills in the winter.
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How to Control your Holiday Spending
The holidays can be a stressful time of year, and money is one of the leading causes of holiday anxiety for Americans. Here are a few pointers to help you stick to your holiday budget and manage your seasonal financial stress.
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Amazon Offers Primary Care to Prime Members for $99 a Year
Amazon recently announced that it will offer Amazon Prime subscribers discounted One Medical memberships for an additional $9 per month ($99 annually). This announcement comes roughly one year after Amazon purchased One Medical, a virtual and in-person primary care service. A One Medical annual subscription currently costs $199. Amazon Prime members who sign up will receive One Medical at a $100 discount and can add up to five additional family members to their subscription for $6 per month per person.
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